Can Your Marriage be Saved?
Should You Stay or Go?

How to Get Crystal Clear

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Is Your Marriage Worth Saving?

Find the Clarity, Calm and Confidence

Is Your Marriage Worth Saving?

  • Has too much damage been done?
  • Has it gone beyond the point of no return?
  • What is it that really keeps us together?
  • Am I here for reasons other than the marriage?
  • Is time running out for me?
  • Do I have the energy and commitment to make it work?
  • Will I (we) ever find a love that is Natural, Easy and Spontaneous?
  • Is it Worth it?

Clarity for a Thoughtful and Caring Person

These are important questions for a caring and thoughtful person – a person who wants the best for everyone. You know that divorce is expensive in so many ways. You also know a dead marriage takes a catastrophic emotional toll. And, the green grass out there can quickly turn to a dying brown.

If these questions naw at you or consume your waking moments, know you are not alone.

I’ve worked with thousands as a Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice and later online. The thoughtful caring person often sits on the fence, fearful of leaving and fearful of staying. You know so much is at stake.

I offer you my best resources, complied and used effectively by many over the past 3 decades, in an online course, “Is It Worth It?”
Button: I want access to the “Is It Worth It” Online Course

How to Be Certain You Make the Right Decision

The practical and timely information will help you:

  • Explore every angle – some angles you never considered. No more swirling.
  • Lessen the tension of sitting on the fence and waffling.
  • Answer the question: “Did I do all I could do?”
  • Take responsibility for a well thought through process. No knee jerk reaction you will regret.
  • Dig deep. Leave no stone unturned.
  • Relax. There are many decision points in a marriage.
  • Understand the evolution of a marriage and its love.
  • Open your mind to a new world that contains a love that is Natural and Easy.
  • Ferret out the right kind of knowledge and information. (I know Family Systems.)

Open your mind to a new world that contains a love that is Natural and Easy.
Ferret out the right kind of knowledge and information. (I know Family Systems.)

Advice: Don’t Decide Now

Give yourself time to decide. Yes, you want relief from the tension, stress and unknown. But, you also want a sold foundation on which to base your decision. Take a month to dig into the online course, “Is It Worth It?” and see where it takes you.


In the 90s, while in my private practice, I saw a new client at 5:00 in the afternoon. In tears she stated she wanted to save her marriage.

The next day her picture was on the front page of the local newspaper. Her husband stabbed her in the bath tub not more than 8 hours after I met her.

To say I was shaken is an understatement. And, it forever impacted my concern for the level of danger in a relationship.

If there is any shred of you that thinks you might be in danger, go through the extensive lessons on the level of danger in a relationship I’ve included in “Is It Worth It?” Do it NOW!!

Here are the Lessons for You..

In the introductory video you will learn:

  • How ambivalence (bouncing back and forth between staying or going) is common 85% of the time
  • The necessity of reducing the panic of “I gotta decide NOW!”
  • The need for clarity – understanding the “beneath the surface” issues most don’t consider
  • Relax – marriages evolve and how they evolve
  • How to move toward a more solid commitment

Lesson: Decision Points in a marriage.

In the introductory video you will learn:

  • Marriage (love or not loving) is dynamic and always changing.
  • Particular decision points arise in your marriage.
  • Specific events trigger change and adjustment.
  • You choose to consciously or unconsciously move through your decision points and change.
  • Moving through your decision points and change consciously gives you more freedom, confidence and potential for joy.
  • The critical big picture question is: “CAN my marriage be saved?
  • The role of chemistry in your marriage.
  • The presence of a long-term maladaptive coping pattern in your marriage.
  • The capacity to emotionally connect.
  • The presence of infidelity and/or abuse.

Lesson: Should we Separate?

You will learn:

  • The reasons of the distancing spouse
  • The hidden messages of these apparent reasons
  • Separation is NOT a matter of geographical distance
  • Definition for an effective and constructive separation
  • The Exception for NOT separating.
From The 1

Lesson: Should we Separate?

You will learn:

  • The Top 10 Reasons You Married THAT Person
  • Research: 245 Reasons Readers Married THAT Person

  • Research: The Top 21 Reasons Readers Married THAT Person (Hint: a powerful sexual attraction was number 4)

Lesson: From Soulmate to Enemy

You will learn:

  • 10 Reasons Your Best Friend and Soulmate Became Your Enemy – your step toward a self-healing marriage or relationship
  • How to see your partner through a different filter
  • Imagine what it would be like if you could feel the anger, the frustration, the fear and the sadness about your relationship fade?
  • Imagine what it would be like if you were in a relationship where you had a rock solid belief that s/he was there for you, and you alone?
  • Imagine what it would be like if you could work toward a relationship with no secrets and where you looked forward to sitting on the couch at night, comfortably smiling and sharing events of the day?

Lesson: Are You in Danger?

You will learn:

  • Two Levels of Being Safe
  • 49 Question Survey to Determine Your Level of Danger
  • How to Discover the Specifics of Abuse in Your Relationship
  • Using Distinctions to Clarity Abuse
  • 13 Ways to Shift Your Momentum to Your Well Being
  • The Red Marriage and Abuse
  • Checklist for the Red Marriage
  • 17 Steps to Cope with an Abusive Spouse

Lesson: 8 Critical Keys to Saving Your Marriage

You will learn:

  • Reframing your marriage
  • Feeling safe
  • Having something to give
  • Speaking your ‘voice”
  • Making Distinctions
  • Making Shifts
  • Meta commenting
  • Keeping Focus

Play With This

Start now evaluating your situation. Fill out the checklist. Note which statement (or the top 2) that grab you the most. Spend the next 24 hours focusing on that statement. Notice what thoughts, images, memories emerge. You might begin to explore a critical issue which will offer direction.

Straight Forward, Real and Doable

I want you to know that your course helped me far more than any of the others because it was straight forward, real and doable. I am constantly going back to refresh myself with things to think about. It’s a great resource to see just how far I’ve come. I am an educated professional and was skeptical about online resources. But your advice is wise, anticipates my questions and is reassuring.

Voice of Confidence, Assurance, and Guidance

Thank you for being a voice of confidence, assurance, and guidance in this quagmire. At last somebody who was giving practical advice, somebody who called ‘a spade, a spade’, somebody who, above all, never gave up on me and understood my dilemma and my hesitance to order and pay for courses over the Internet.

So, Bob, I just wanted to drop in and say… I’m making it. Life isn’t perfect, I wonder sometimes if I’ll love again and be able to have a relationship and trust again but that’s in the future. For now my health and my children and my life are my focus and that serenity. And to thank you for your kind, wise words.

Thank you so much. Your materials have been my saviour. I have rediscovered myself and found my inner strength and will just be me, the one i used to be that somewhere along the line got lost.
Kind regards

I have finally found peace with the situation, and I am leaving my sociopath/narcissist husband for a better life. Thank you for a very informative Lessons Courses, Emails,—all of which have been invaluable in my discovery and in moving on with my life. I just wanted to say that your marriage course and coaching were absolute lifesavers when I was going through the first stages of finding out and living with my Husband’s affairs, thank you, things are still tough but we are getting there, he broke off the affair (s!) and came home. We’re working on it!!!
thanks again.

Lesson: From Soulmate to Enemy

Here are the Top Eight Key Points in deciding “Is It Worth It?”

(I’m giving you a head start!)

  1. Do NOT consider or ever ask yourself, “Do we love each other? Can we love each other? Love is a loaded word and does not accurately define the dilemma.
  2. Forever rid yourself of the thought and goal that you must recapture that “loving feeling.” That “loving feeling” is tied to the first (and beginning) part of a relationship. Your future experience of “love” will be much different.
  3. Don’t think in terms of all or nothing. There are many gray areas that we must accept in a relationship of emotional investment. These gray areas are fuel for growth. The objective is not to create a perfect marriage or avoid a lousy marriage.
  4. Stress in a marriage is often triggered by specific life changing events. Note where the marriage stands in relationship to those events.
  5. What are you dealing with? Are you bumping against the angst of temporary stress or have you for past months or years been slogging through long term destructive patterns?
  6. The gray areas in a marriage, which by necessity are always there, lead to a series of decision points. With varying intensity you confront, “Is this worth it?”
  7. Understand and embrace how you modify and/or cope with the tension in your marriage. How do you separate from that tension. (This helps if one says, “Maybe it’s time I get an apartment.”)
  8. Consider the quirkiness, uniqueness, gifts and personality of your spouse. Why DID you marry THAT person?

Achieve Calm and Clarity

You will know that your marriage, your relationship, your love and the demands placed on that relationship is always changing and adjusting.

You will view your marriage as a work in progress which eliminates some of the pressure, illusions and betters prepares you to face what must be faced.

You will have the capacity to stand back and see the larger picture of your marriage or relationship that enables:

You to identify where you are now in this process of being married. Such knowledge results in less fear and confusion.

You not to be surprised when your marriage births a crisis.

Your panic level to diminish.

You to have a sense of control and personal power.

You to no longer feel like a leaf blowing in the wind.

You to stave off thinking you are unlovable.

You to move off center and experience that “stuck” feeling less often and will less intensity.

You to know there are answers.

You to validate your uneasy feelings and inklings.

You to feel normal

Thanks again a bit of a Lifesaver, aren’t you

I was in a state of rage and some of the words calmed me and gave me direction.

Bob, Your information has been invaluable in my effort to find my way out of a 2 1/2 year mess…

Your Modules kept me from going out of my mind. Thank you