The 5 Second Pivot Method Training in the Love Stacking Matrix Download the "Training for a Natural, Easy and Spontaneous Love - Love Proficiencies to Master" Infidelity Recovery Center LEVEL 1: Immediate Success Introduction to IRC Start here. Make sure you are safe. Begin your 90 day Recovery Journey. Heal your pain and resolve the affair Are You Safe? Immediate Success: Charge Neutral 80% can turn their marriage around in 48 hours, or less. It's not hard when you use these 2 strategies. (WARNING: it's only temporary. Fast Results - Quick Relief Stop spinning your wheels. Learn how to shift your feelings, become confident and find success. LEVEL 2: Clarity and Calm Top Infidelity Questions and Interview Move from the agony of “Affair Thinking of the Freedom of Recovery Thinking“ "Break Free From the Affair" Ebook The first step to clarity, calm and recovery. Best selling “Break Free From the Affair” plus more. How to Feel Normal Again Learn how to overcome the fear and helplessness of your infidelity nightmare. Discover the keys that give you 'space' to feel normal again. How to Influence the Affair You can't stop the affair; there are reasons why you should NOT try. But, you can influence the affair, with better results. Understand Your Spouse and the Affair Learn how to permanently eradicate the affair. Read the best selling ebook, 'Break Free From the Affair. How to Develop a Plan The type of affair guides you in determining what you will say and do that will be most impactful. Pinpoint your plan and be most effective. (Re)Building Membership LEVEL 1: Immediate Success Introduction to the Marriage Building Online Course Are You Safe? Immediate Success: Charge Neutral 80% can turn their marriage around in 48 hours, or less. It's not hard when you use these 2 strategies. (WARNING: it's only temporary. LEVEL 2: Clarity and Calm Is It Worth It? Decision Points. What Separation Means. Why you Married THAT Person. From Soulmate to Enemy. Counterintuitive Secrets of Marriage Building Why Marriages Fail, Dangerous Ideas, The Killer is Tension, Problem with Cinderella, and more What if My Spouse Won't Participate? Your spouse is not your enemy. Feeling safe. Seeing through your spouse. Reconnecting LEVEL 3: Breaking Through Barriers 1 Half Hour Session with Dr. Huizenga Click Here - $160 4 Half Hour Sessions with Dr. Huizenga Click Here - $590 8 Half Hour Sessions with Dr. Huizenga Click Here - $1,480 LEVEL 4: Love Stacking Modules How to Tap Into Your Healing Power The Love Stacking Matrix Worksheet Start Here - What EXACTLY to Bring Up Identify Thoughts and Feelings Give Up Your Goal The Love Laws Use these images, quotes and thoughts to keep you on the path of building the love you truly want and deserve.